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Experience A Musical Soundbath
November 1, 2022Explore sensory perception, intention, personal inquiry, and your inner landscape, supported by meditation, mindfulness, and sound healing.
Experience the soul-soothing vibrations of an intuitively improvised soundscape that may include the wooden flute, drums, metallophone, singing bowls, and chimes, clearing the energy field and gently guiding you on a journey home to your Self. Lay down, allow yourself some time to relax, BE, soak in the good vibes, and release anything that is not serving you in life.
Led by an interdisciplinary artist, educator, teacher, and performer, Artis Moon will guide you through a soundbath experience of Deep Restoration & Transformation.
This Meditation & Music Medicine Soundbath experience takes place on November 3rd, 10th, and 17th; all from 7 pm – 8
pm. Located at Eaton DC, 1201 K Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20005. With tickets starting at $30 each.